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This website is based on the lifestyle presented and promoted by Timothy Ferris in his book "The Four Hours Work Week". In this book, Timothy presents how te create and manage a low-maintenance business that generates significant income. This is what he called a muse.

The reading of this book has had a great impact on me and I agreed that it was this way I wanted my future - a better future. But from the theory to the reality, there is a big gap. What to do? Will it be cost effective? How can I make it "low-maintenance"? 

These are all the questions Muse Creation Help and Coaching has already gone through several times to build its own muses and to help others to build their own as well. It is this experience that we offer you. So if you want to know what can be done and open your mind to a future in accordance with your dreams, don't hesitate to browse this website a bit further.

Idea searching

Idea definition

The most difficult part is to finding an idea which is worth developing. This is what we can help you to do.

Activity launch

Activity launch

Once you have the idea, how to organise and launch your business, who to talk to, etc...?

Business automation

Business automation

Once your activity is launched, how to automate it in order to make your business a low-maintenance one?